English breakfast Project der Klasse 10A (Fr. Geißel), Februar 2017 - zum Nachmachen (die Nummer des Schrittes korresponiert mit der Nummer des/r Fotos)!

1. Today we want to prepare a fantastic Toastmuffin, which is the perfect start in the morning. You will have a great taste experience.

2. You only need one spoon pappy butter, each three slices cheese and bacon, six slices toast, six eggs and a little bit salt and pepper. In addition you require a rolling pin, a muffintray, a knife, a pan and a carving board.

3. At first you have to roll out the toast slices with the rolling pin. Look to it, that the toast has a diameter of the shape.

4. Prick out the toast slices with a round shape. It is helpful, when you do it with circling movements, so it´s lighter to out-do.

5. Apply the troughs of the muffinshape with butter, so it´s easier, to remove the muffins out of the shape later. Put the rolled circles into the shape and press the toast firmly.

6. You can take cheese, to fill the muffins. Cut it into small squares, so it has a suitable size.

7. For vegetarian people is the cheese a delicious alternative to bacon. Lay it into the muffins, for a appetizing taste.

8. If you´re not a vegetarian, fill the muffins with bacon. But before this fry it crispy in a pan.

9. Put the fried bacon in the toast troughs, which won´t be vegetarian.

10. Furthermore the eggs will be give of the cheese and the bacon in the muffins (one egg per muffin). Although you must think that the eggs are bubbled complete before they are taken out of the oven.

11. Now the muffintray come at 200 degrees to the middle rail in the oven. After 20 minutes the muffins are finished and crispy baked. Recirculating air is not advisable.

12. For a good taste the muffin must be spiced with pepper and salt.

13. With the help of a spoon the muffins can be removed from the tray.

14. Now you have a wonderful and delicious breakfast in front of you. Enjoy your meal!