Eine solide Beherrschung mehrerer Fremdsprachen gehört zu den wichtigsten Ansprüchen, die an einen Abiturienten gestellt werden.
Diesem Anspruch nachzukommen, bietet das Evangelische Gymnasium Tharandt eine Weiterführung des in der Regel bereits in Klasse 3 begonnenen Englischunterrichts mit Eintritt in die 5. Klasse an.
Zweite Fremdsprache ist für alle Schüler ab der 6. Klasse Latein.
Weitere Fremdsprachen werden im Moment nicht angeboten, dafür Schülerarbeiten aus dem Englischunterricht.
Klasse 5A
Präsentation "Our school": Wie stellen sich Schülerinnen und Schüler ihre Schule vor?
Klasse 6
The mudlarks of London What is a mudlark? A mudlark is a person who walks around the shore looking for things that might be useful or interesting. Back in the 19th century poor people came to the Thames in order to find objects to sell. In contrast, nowadays mudlarks look for things they find fascinating. They often try to imagine the story behind the found item. A story written by Mara, class 6a, referring to the story in the book The Wine Glass The wine glass belonged to an old man that was a sailor. He lived in the 19th century and was near the city. His name was Asterix G. and the glass was for wine. It was his favorite thing too, because he liked to be drunk. One day it fell into the river because the waves were so strong and because he was drunk. After 50 years a mudlark found it near the city of London, it was stuck in deep mud. The mudlark’s name was James Solo. He loved to find treasures and think about the old story of it. So he brought the wine glass home and thought about it. His name was perfect because he liked to do things alone. |
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Klasse 10B
Gelenkte Studienzeit "Podcasts, Blogposts über Südafrika"
As you might know, in our school we are forced to have something called GS in seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth grade. Since ninth grade we are pleased to do some English tasks instead of normal lessons. Even if you like normal lessons more, the GS is really useful for getting a good time management, because we get some tasks for one or two weeks and then we have to plan when we do which task so we are finished when the week is over.
This years topics in English were BLF tasks - we did many exercises according to the certain subtopics - and now South Africa. Therefore, Mrs. Geißel gave us the task to create a podcast or a blogpost about a tribe or the politics or any other South African topic. We had two weeks to think about a method to present a topic and then produce it. Some groups focused on speaking and recorded a podcast, which was definitely funny to make. Other groups made a website where they put all their creativity in. No matter what you produced, you had to present it in front of the class to practice your speaking skills. After a few weeks when everyone had presented we got our marks which are our third class test marks. That way we easily got good grades, had fun and practiced English at the same time. That's really nice, isn’t it?
The following links lead to the websites and the podcasts so you can listen to them if you want to.
Wie Sie vielleicht wissen, müssen wir an unserer Schule in der 7., 8., 9. und 10. Klasse die sogenannte GS (Gelenkte Studienzeit) machen. In Englisch bekamen wir im zweiten Halbjahr die Aufgabe, über einen Stamm, die Politik oder generell die Kultur Südafrikas einen Podcast oder Blogpost zu machen. Wir hatten zwei Wochen Zeit, uns über das Thema zu informieren, unsere kreative Arbeit zu vollbringen und im Anschluss zu präsentieren. Diese Note stellt in diesem Schuljahr unsere letzte Klassenarbeitsnote dar. So hatten wir die Möglichkeit, gute Noten zu bekommen, unsere Aussprache zu verbessern und natürlich Spaß zu haben. Über die folgenden Links kommen sie zu den Websites und können auch die Podcasts anhören, wenn Sie wollen (eigentlich gibt es noch mehr Podcasts, aber nicht alle waren mit einer Veröffentlichung einverstanden).
Winnie Mandela: